Hi I’m Peter.
I’m a Product and User Experience Designer based in Los Angeles currently working in Health Tech and Civic Tech. I am a UI/UX designer for Behaivior Recovery, helping health care professionals and patients leverage AI tools and data collected through wearables to improve addiction recovery and mental health care. I am also a UI/UX Designer for 311 Data at Hack for LA, developing a data analysis tool that empowers Los Angeles neighborhood councils to better serve their constituents (excited to launch soon!).
Before the world of design, I worked in the legal, food, and eCommerce industries. Now, I leverage all my past experience with the passion I’ve always had for visual arts (avid drawer since middle school) as a more curious, empathetic, and well-rounded designer. My philosophy is that design problems are inherently human problems, and while good design should be aesthetically pleasing, it must be useful, practical, and accessible in order for businesses to keep users engaged.
Outside the world of design, my other passions include baking/pastry-making, computer games, and dance music (currently consumed by drum & bass and techno)!