Redesigning the Festival Experience
As a frequent festival goer, I have used the Insomniac App for all the information I need for events, and as a user, I had my own positive and negative experiences. Though I had my own pain points, I reached out to the dance music and festival community to discover what they love, dislike, and need from the the app. After uncovering their pain points and frustrations, I reimagined the Insomniac App to improve the way we discover and prepare for festivals.
The Challenge
Discover the most frequent frustrations and pain points users face while using the Insomniac App
Establish user needs that aren’t being met by the current iteration of the app
Redesign the app to address those frustrations and needs while keeping it familiar enough to the old version.
My Role
UI Designer
One Month
Tools Used
An Analysis of the Current App
While I had my own thoughts as an Insomniac app user, I took a step back to list all available features as well as areas for improvement and possible pain points other users may experience (a pseudo-heuristic evaluation, if you will).
Features users may use the Insomniac App for:
Buy event tickets
Discover new events
Look up festival lineups and set times
Look up festival maps
Discover amenities for festivals
Listen to Insomniac radio
Look through photos of festivals
Possible pain points/areas of frustration/design flaws:
Only start times are given for set times (and not end/full duration)
Grid view of set times is hard to navigate - there is a lot of unused screen space
No option to save set times or maps/amenities, since you can’t access the app at festivals (no cellular signal available)
No options to filter events (by date, location, etc)
Even with an account, listed festivals aren’t area-specific
Insomniac Radio doesn’t have many play functions - users can only pause and play (no skipping available)
No way to view all festivals in a grid or view multiple on one screen
After listing available features and possible pain points, I conducted a survey to determine which features were most important for users and how they used the app. I surveyed a total of 39 festival attendees from Reddit, Discord, Facebook, and my own friends:
The most important features were overwhelmingly set times, lineups, and festival maps/amenities. These were also where users faced the frustration, specifically awkward presentation of set times and a lack of offline capability during events (where internet is nonexistent). Their biggest pain point, however, came from login issues, specifically having to log in constantly.
How Can I Address These Issues?
I wasn’t sure how to approach login issues from a UI/UX perspective. Because the frustrations revolved around constantly being logged out and prompted to log back in, I decided that the simplest solution would be to make all these features available without an account. I could then focus on the other pain points: creating a more optimal view of set times and a solution around offline access for important information during events. Before creating any designs, I wanted to see how the competitors were doing, so I took a look at the apps for Tomorrowland and CRSSD festivals.
Both had more optimal views of set times that used the screen space more effectively, but neither had any offline capability or ways to save information (besides manually taking screenshots).
Quick Sketches and Early Wireframes
I had some ideas I wanted to choose from, so I sketched a couple different versions of set times and used those to create mid-fidelity wireframes. Since this was a redesign of an already existing app, I didn’t want to make something unrecognizable, so I adopted the icons, text styles, and color palette of the original Insomniac App. Also, as a work-around for offline use, I wanted to create options to save official set times and information directly to a user’s phone instead of having to take multiple screenshots.
Style Guide
Choosing from Multiple Versions
By this point, I had five different versions of set times to choose from. I couldn’t develop high fidelity wireframes for all of them, so I had to narrow them down. It ultimately came down to which version used screen space efficiently, presented information effectively, was aesthetically pleasing, and had the fewest interruptions in flow.
Testing Two Different Prototypes
I ended up creating two different versions for the grid view of set times - one with artists’ images and one with only text. Which one would users prefer? Would artists’ images help when trying to look through a schedule? Unable to decide, I used Ballpark to conduct an unsupervised preference test as well as a quick survey to determine how recognizable artists are by their pictures.
I instructed users to interact with each prototype as they normally would with the Insomniac App and rate ease of use. I also asked if artist pictures helped them find sets more easily and asked open-ended questions about any confusion or difficulties they encountered.
I also wanted to test how recognizable artists are, so I asked users to identify eight different artists from the 2022 EDC Orlando lineup from only their pictures.
Interpreting the Results:
Despite reaching out to many potential users, I unfortunately only received five responses. Though these results could not be an accurate representation of the audience as a whole, there were some interesting and valid issues to address:
Creating more space: I hadn’t considered how sets under 1 hour would look, but they ended up being cramped. I reformatted the grids, making each cell bigger so that shorter sets would still have breathing room.
Confusion over intermissions in Kinetic Field: Similar to the previous issue, it was tricky creating enough space for the 3-6 minute intermissions in the grid format. Initially just thin slots in between the main sets, users were understandably confused about what they were. I made them proportionally larger while reformatting the grid layout, adding just enough room to add labels. They are still fairly small, but users will at least know what they are, and in both list and downloadable image layouts, they have their own dedicated time slots.
Importance of artists’ pictures: Users reported finding artists’ pictures helpful while navigating set times. Interestingly though, they correctly identified the given artists (who are more well-known and usually headlining festivals) only 42.5% of the time. So while it can be argued that portraits aren’t as necessary, the layout with pictures required a minimal amount of space (around 200px) more than the text-only layout, so I chose to include images.
Final Prototype
Challenges and Future Plans
Despite this being a relatively straightforward redesign process, there were some challenges and limitations:
Only one side of the big picture: I redesigned this map on behalf of users, addressing their needs and frustrations. Because this is an already existing app for a company I am not affiliated with, there certainly may be business goals that I could not address or take into account.
How to address login issues: Users reported being most frustrated with logging in and out. Besides removing the frequent login notifications and popups, it was difficult to resolve this issue from a UI/UX perspective. The solution I used was definitely an oversimplification, so I would love to connect with any developers who might be able to offer their thoughts and expertise.
Limited references: Set times were only available for around week on the app. After the event ended, the entire page would be taken down and inaccessible. I took as many reference screenshots as I could, but there was some missing information (more screenshots of set times, experiences, etc) that would have helped during the design process.
Balancing use of screen space: It was a challenge to format the 45-minute sets and 3-6 minute intermissions with adequate room without making the entire grid layout too big to easily navigate. The intermissions still feel cramped with text, so this is still an existing issue I would like to revisit.
Limited user testing: Because there were only five users who tested the prototype, I was initially hesitant to completely rely on testing. Fortunately, the testers faced consistent usability issues, so I felt confident using the results to guide my revisions and design choices.
As a frequent festival attendee, I particularly enjoyed working to improve an app I use and connect with others who share the same passion for dance music. I would love to continue this process and collaborate with others to improve the rest of the app and see where this can take us. Thank you!